While I know that raising kids and managing a home is a privilege, I must admit there are days when I wonder if I am making a mark in the world. More than once, I have thought, “When my kids are older and I have more time, I can do something to really make a difference.” Or, “This is just a season of my life. I won’t revolve around naptime and potty training forever.”
But the truth is, what I am doing now could have an impact that far outlives me.
Recently God has placed a question on my heart…Who am I raising?
Am I raising a daughter whose passion for playing school will lead her to be a teacher? Will she be that teacher who has a sparkle in her smile and shares the love of Jesus with thousands of students?
Will my son, who never meets a stranger and never shuts his mouth, develop a desire to see people saved?
Will my daughter grow into a young woman who chooses purity and modesty in the face of our sex-driven society?
Am I raising a son who will choose to honor women and understands that true character is defined by what you do when no one is looking?
Will he choose faith in the face of challenges? Will she say yes when God says go?
God can use what I am doing now to answer those questions. In the moments between scrubbing dried cheerios out of a Bob the Builder bowl and searching a disheveled closet for a missing ballet shoe, I am teaching a young man to value honesty and hard work and teaching a young lady that kind words are more precious than jewels.
God can use what I do today to raise up a man and woman who bear His image, proclaim His name, and point others to His Son. So take courage moms, we are making a mark that could last forever!
Promise for today:
Train up a child in the way that he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6