Here are a few ideas of ways that family’s can practice loving people…
- Be a Cookie Baker or Decorate Cookie Bags for Kairos Prison Ministry. Click here for more information.
- Cook a meal for a sick or older person you know. Involve your children by having them color a picture to accompany the meal. Go as a family to deliver it then discuss your experience over your own family meal.
- Host a bake sale at your church and donate the money to the International Mission Board. You can specific a country where you would like the donation to be used if God has laid one on your heart.
- Sponsor a child through Compassion International ( Choose the child you will help as a family, correspond with the child and learn about that country’s customs. Find the country on a map, prepare a meal from the culture, read about the country’s struggles and pray specific prayers for that child as a family.
- Write your child’s teacher a letter letting them know you are praying for them and have your child draw a picture to accompany the letter. Pray for your child’s teacher as a family.
- Sponge paint pillow cases and deliver them to CASA or a similar organization to be used as suitcases and keepsakes for abused children removed from their homes. Explain to your child in an age-appropriate way what abuse is and pray as a family for abused children in your community.
- Participate in Operation Christmas Child. Do not buy anything for your child when you purchase items for the box, but let them pick out things they would like. Let them help you box it, and track the box so you can see what country it goes to. Pray for the country when you find out.
Let us know your ideas and what exciting ways God is using you to love people.
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