Our Mission Partners
Promised Ministries makes grants to organizations and individuals who share our commitment to loving like Jesus and making His name known. Here are a few meaningful ministries we currently support.
Hope House, Intl. in Dominican Republic
Hope House, Intl, led by Mike and Goody Braisted, invests in the child's future, not just by providing a meal or a place to sleep, but also through education, psychological therapies, and extracurricular activities, all the while placing them in a safe environment, giving them the opportunity to experience love and acceptance within a family unit.
For more, visit HopeHouseIntl.org.
Institution Mixte Communautaire de Village Sam in Bigarade, Haiti
The village of Bigarade was founded in 2011 by Baptist Global Response for families who lost everything in a devastating earthquake. The school in Bigarade, led by Thomas Ogens, ministers to these families by providing education and a feeding program and by sharing the love of Christ with more than 300 boys and girls.
For more, visit PromisedMinistries.com/Haiti.
Hope House, Intl. in Dominican Republic
Hope House, Intl, led by Mike and Goody Braisted, invests in the child's future, not just by providing a meal or a place to sleep, but also through education, psychological therapies, and extracurricular activities, all the while placing them in a safe environment, giving them the opportunity to experience love and acceptance within a family unit.
For more, visit HopeHouseIntl.org.
Institution Mixte Communautaire de Village Sam in Bigarade, Haiti
The village of Bigarade was founded in 2011 by Baptist Global Response for families who lost everything in a devastating earthquake. The school in Bigarade, led by Thomas Ogens, ministers to these families by providing education and a feeding program and by sharing the love of Christ with more than 300 boys and girls.
For more, visit PromisedMinistries.com/Haiti.
Donations to fully funded programs may be redistributed at the discretion of the Board.