Mackenzie's projects benefit a school in bigarade, haiti
On the evening of January 12, 2011, Mackenzie was surfing the channels on our TV, and a show on Nickelodeon caught her attention. The program documented art therapy for children in Haiti whose lives were changed the day a catastrophic earthquake brought death and destruction to their homes.
While the kid-friendly documentary featured a popular Nickelodeon character as the show’s host, it was God’s Words who spoke the most clearly that evening. In His omnipotent voice, He spoke to my five year old’s heart and blessed her with an unquenching thirst to share His love with kids who in her words “had lost their moms, their dads, their homes, and their schools.”
In the last several years, our family has participated in coin drives, bake sales, lemonade stands, created art supplies to sell at the mall, written two children’s book, spoken at churches, and even gone on the news to support Mackenzie in her calling. Many people have told us that they are so proud and impressed of all that Mackenzie has accomplished and the thousands of dollars that have been sent to Haiti as a result of her efforts.
Of course I am proud of my daughter too, who wouldn’t be. But it isn’t about her.
I don’t know why God chose to place our family in America, where what we consider basic needs is unattainable luxury to most people across the world. Or why He allowed us the opportunity to give out of our abundance and in return, be rewarded a thousand fold.
In 2014, God continued to bless our family when I was given the amazing opportunity to visit the school in Bigarade, Haiti where funds from Mackenzie's projects have provided school supplies, school furniture, books and a chance for dozens of children to get an education.
The experience was one I will never forget, and one I wanted to share with my daughter.
Since then, Mackenzie and I have traveled with teams of friends and family to visit Bigarade several times as we continue an amazing relationship with a beautiful group of people that God has called us to love. Our trips continue to teach us so many things, one of which is God is not finished with us yet!
While the kid-friendly documentary featured a popular Nickelodeon character as the show’s host, it was God’s Words who spoke the most clearly that evening. In His omnipotent voice, He spoke to my five year old’s heart and blessed her with an unquenching thirst to share His love with kids who in her words “had lost their moms, their dads, their homes, and their schools.”
In the last several years, our family has participated in coin drives, bake sales, lemonade stands, created art supplies to sell at the mall, written two children’s book, spoken at churches, and even gone on the news to support Mackenzie in her calling. Many people have told us that they are so proud and impressed of all that Mackenzie has accomplished and the thousands of dollars that have been sent to Haiti as a result of her efforts.
Of course I am proud of my daughter too, who wouldn’t be. But it isn’t about her.
I don’t know why God chose to place our family in America, where what we consider basic needs is unattainable luxury to most people across the world. Or why He allowed us the opportunity to give out of our abundance and in return, be rewarded a thousand fold.
In 2014, God continued to bless our family when I was given the amazing opportunity to visit the school in Bigarade, Haiti where funds from Mackenzie's projects have provided school supplies, school furniture, books and a chance for dozens of children to get an education.
The experience was one I will never forget, and one I wanted to share with my daughter.
Since then, Mackenzie and I have traveled with teams of friends and family to visit Bigarade several times as we continue an amazing relationship with a beautiful group of people that God has called us to love. Our trips continue to teach us so many things, one of which is God is not finished with us yet!