Church through Mackenzie's eyes...Today I went to church. It was very different. They danced and I liked it. The preacher at the church told me I was a missionary. The Kids liked to touch me. it is acward. After church they gave us a soda. Momma said it is because they want to honor us.
Church from Alison's eyes...I loved being in God's house today with my Haitain friends and my American friends! The church we attended is held at the school in Bigarade so that made it extra special. The Haitians welcome us so warmly. We were given seats of honor in the front facing the rest of the congregation. They had each of us introduce ourselves, and even Mackenzie spoke. Laurie also sang a beautiful song. She is so annointed and you can tell God created her to be the helpmate to a pastor because she is so at home in Gods house with His people, no matter their color or language. Mackenzie loved that she could dance in church. Pastor told her next time she comes he wants her to sing and dance.
Tonight we have been invited to attend church with Thomas. He is the school administrator and he goes to a Baptist church in a village next to Bigarade called Damien. It is an honor that he wants us to be his guests tonight and I am excited lot worship with him.
Our team is having so much fun together. Bob our team leader isn't sure what to do with a team of 8 girls but he is managing to stay sane so far. Ashley Caitlin and Jenna have a lot of energy and affection for the children and of course my mom and Allisen are just naturals with the kids.
Today right before service my mom looked out of the school door and into the mountains. She said that psalm 21 was on her heart, "I lift up my eyes to the hills. For where does my help come from. My help comes from yhe Lord." Pastor Estaphat in divine coincidence also recited that verse during the service. He said thAt in Haiti only 1 in 10 people have a job. They don't jhave work he explained but they do have time. Time to pray!
God hears their prayers. I felt His presence in their body of believers today and it was a joy to worship with them!
Tonight we have been invited to attend church with Thomas. He is the school administrator and he goes to a Baptist church in a village next to Bigarade called Damien. It is an honor that he wants us to be his guests tonight and I am excited lot worship with him.
Our team is having so much fun together. Bob our team leader isn't sure what to do with a team of 8 girls but he is managing to stay sane so far. Ashley Caitlin and Jenna have a lot of energy and affection for the children and of course my mom and Allisen are just naturals with the kids.
Today right before service my mom looked out of the school door and into the mountains. She said that psalm 21 was on her heart, "I lift up my eyes to the hills. For where does my help come from. My help comes from yhe Lord." Pastor Estaphat in divine coincidence also recited that verse during the service. He said thAt in Haiti only 1 in 10 people have a job. They don't jhave work he explained but they do have time. Time to pray!
God hears their prayers. I felt His presence in their body of believers today and it was a joy to worship with them!