Today in Mack's words...we got off the tap tap and went into the school. All the children ran up to us. Mrs Allisen gave a devotional then we showed the quilt that my class made. Then the kids decorated a square to make a quilt for my class. We also helped the girls make headbands and the boys make necklaces. I think they liked it and I liked it because because we got to help them braid the headbands. It was very special. Lulu gave a devotional about worship then we made maracas. The Haitians call the maracas "cha chas." The grown ups played boom whackers for the kids and I did hand motions to the songs.
Thomas the principal spoke to the kids about me. He wanted to tell them that could do things for other people too. They sang a thank you song to me and I felt happy because I knew that God used me to help them.
We fed the kids lunch again. Then we left to go house to house visiting with people. We talked to a man that believed in the devil. My mom tried to tell him about Jesus. She referenced verses in her Bible. But he still said no because he like his life and he thought the devil was the right choice for him. While they were talking I was scared because I didn't really understand what he was saying and I think he made the wrong choice.
Thomas the principal spoke to the kids about me. He wanted to tell them that could do things for other people too. They sang a thank you song to me and I felt happy because I knew that God used me to help them.
We fed the kids lunch again. Then we left to go house to house visiting with people. We talked to a man that believed in the devil. My mom tried to tell him about Jesus. She referenced verses in her Bible. But he still said no because he like his life and he thought the devil was the right choice for him. While they were talking I was scared because I didn't really understand what he was saying and I think he made the wrong choice.
This is Mackenzie and the school administrator thomas. He told Mackenzie he loved her. I was touched by his affection for her. Love in Christ among brothers and sisters all over the world is such a beautiful thing.
Today in Alison's words... Today was such a full amazing day. I don't know if words could do it justice. The kids were so excited to see us again. They cheered when we walked in. They loved every craft we did today. It was neat to see all of the girls proudly wearing their headbands. Even the teachers made one for themselves. They also loves the quilt that Mackenzie's class designed and made squares for us to make a quilt when back in the US.
Many of the kids in Bigarade don't have a chance to go to school because their parents can't afford their books and uniforms. God has used many people to help provide for the school through their financial support of Mackenzie's projects for Haiti. Today Thomas told the kids at the school that Mackenzie helped to provide for them. He wanted them to be inspired by her age. They sang a thank you song to Mackenzie. It was very touching. Many of us cried because we are so thankful to God that he chose to use her. and we are proud of her for being obedient.
Today after we fed the children beans and rice there was a little left for us to share with a few of the kids in the village that don't go to school. Some of the brought in little tupperwares to put their portions of beans and rice in. I know it's because they are brining home to share. I wish we had enough to feed every mouth in the village.
After lunch we went to visit families. We came across a man who said he believed in Satan. My friend and interpreter, Valme, and I shared Scripture and Jesus with all our might but this man was comfortable in his sin. We felt God was bringing us to a conclusion in our conversation. I asked the man if I could pray for him and he said no. I told him I would pray for him anyway in my own quiet time. Valme wrote his name in my Bible. I know God can save him.
When we got back to New Life we were all spent except Mackenzie. After supper she was anxious to play with the children who live at New Life. I really just wanted to rest but I walked over there with her anyway. We loved on the toddlers for a little while then Mack and Ashley took Luna for our stroll in her wheelchair. The evening concluded with a praise and worship dance party led by a group of 15 youth from Miami staying here this week and working with the kids at New Life.
Mackenzie was in her zone. I introduced her to my friend Marilyn, who I played cards with each evening I was here in August. One evening as we played, Marilyn begin singing "I am not forgotten, God knows my name." When her words met my ear I was overwhelmed with emotion. I told Mackenzie about the experience and she choreographed a dance for her school reflections contest to that song in Marilyn's honor. Tonight Mackenzie performed it for her. Marilyn loved it and tried to learn it. It was so touching almost like a dream how God is brining things full circle in such an amazing and fulfilling way.
This has been a day I will never forget. A day that has changed me and a day that I pray will shape my daughters character as she grows in wisdom from God and in Love for his people all over the world. Thank you Jesus for brining us on this surreal journey.
Today in Alison's words... Today was such a full amazing day. I don't know if words could do it justice. The kids were so excited to see us again. They cheered when we walked in. They loved every craft we did today. It was neat to see all of the girls proudly wearing their headbands. Even the teachers made one for themselves. They also loves the quilt that Mackenzie's class designed and made squares for us to make a quilt when back in the US.
Many of the kids in Bigarade don't have a chance to go to school because their parents can't afford their books and uniforms. God has used many people to help provide for the school through their financial support of Mackenzie's projects for Haiti. Today Thomas told the kids at the school that Mackenzie helped to provide for them. He wanted them to be inspired by her age. They sang a thank you song to Mackenzie. It was very touching. Many of us cried because we are so thankful to God that he chose to use her. and we are proud of her for being obedient.
Today after we fed the children beans and rice there was a little left for us to share with a few of the kids in the village that don't go to school. Some of the brought in little tupperwares to put their portions of beans and rice in. I know it's because they are brining home to share. I wish we had enough to feed every mouth in the village.
After lunch we went to visit families. We came across a man who said he believed in Satan. My friend and interpreter, Valme, and I shared Scripture and Jesus with all our might but this man was comfortable in his sin. We felt God was bringing us to a conclusion in our conversation. I asked the man if I could pray for him and he said no. I told him I would pray for him anyway in my own quiet time. Valme wrote his name in my Bible. I know God can save him.
When we got back to New Life we were all spent except Mackenzie. After supper she was anxious to play with the children who live at New Life. I really just wanted to rest but I walked over there with her anyway. We loved on the toddlers for a little while then Mack and Ashley took Luna for our stroll in her wheelchair. The evening concluded with a praise and worship dance party led by a group of 15 youth from Miami staying here this week and working with the kids at New Life.
Mackenzie was in her zone. I introduced her to my friend Marilyn, who I played cards with each evening I was here in August. One evening as we played, Marilyn begin singing "I am not forgotten, God knows my name." When her words met my ear I was overwhelmed with emotion. I told Mackenzie about the experience and she choreographed a dance for her school reflections contest to that song in Marilyn's honor. Tonight Mackenzie performed it for her. Marilyn loved it and tried to learn it. It was so touching almost like a dream how God is brining things full circle in such an amazing and fulfilling way.
This has been a day I will never forget. A day that has changed me and a day that I pray will shape my daughters character as she grows in wisdom from God and in Love for his people all over the world. Thank you Jesus for brining us on this surreal journey.